Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Its not down on any map, true places never are!

Its not down on any map, true places never are!

So, I was given a brief to design an image for the magazine 'Wallpaper'. The image had to fit the quote, 'Its not down on any map, true places never are.'

It took me a while to decide what direction to take for this quote as it is quite broad and you could pretty much say that it could represent anything. I started going down the route of places I could remember from my childhood then I came up with the idea of making a fictional quite quirky street. 

My reason behind this is because as a child I would watch all the silly cartoons and read books which always had lovely streets and houses and I always had an image in my head of this perfect street where the houses were all pretty colours and all matched each other. 

I began to draw the houses the best I could from my memory and this is what I ended up with. A place that is not down on any map, but it was a true place to me when I was a child.

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